![The Raigad Cookstove Project](assets/images/projects/1712044796457-597752384.jpg)
The Raigad Cookstove Project
Location : Maharashtra
Registry : Gold Standard
Partner : Anaxee Digital, APT
Methodology : TPDDTEC v4.0
6 carbon credits generated
Over 900 million people in India, primarily from marginalised communities, are exposed to indoor air pollution through the use of traditional firewood-based cookstoves. Nearly 3,60,000 people die prematurely every year due to illnesses attributable to indoor air pollution. These communities spend a significant amount of time a) gathering fuel in the form of firewood and biomass and b) cooking on traditional cookstoves. Since >82% of households rely on wood as fuel, this is also a leading cause of deforestation.
Our project delivers improved cookstoves to these marginalised communities and uses carbon revenues to provide these devices nearly free of cost. By reducing the consumption of non-renewable firewood and biomass as well as providing energy-efficient cookstoves, our project is reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enabling a healthier life for the community, and creating green jobs.
Impact beyond carbon credits
Good health & wellbeing
- 80% reduction in smoke in households
- 100,000 improved cookstoves can reduce 1.5 million tonnes of CO₂ over the project’s lifetime
Livelihood benefits
- 30% more fuel-efficient cookstoves can save $7 per household through reduced input costs
Reduced deforestation
- 100,000 improved cookstoves can prevent logging of 300 million kgs of firewood per year
Additional time and job creation
- Lower wood consumption reduces time spent in wood-gathering (largely done by women)
- 100,000 improved cookstoves can reduce 720 labour hours per year
![The Solar/Wind Power Project](assets/images/projects/1710998817775-583704929.jpg)
The Solar/Wind Power Project
Location : Tamil Nadu
Registry : I-REC Standard
Partner : Sivaraj Group
Capacity : 24.7 MWh of Solar
3 carbon credits generated
Fossil fuel use is responsible for the majority of global carbon emissions. Nearly 41% of power, worldwide, is generated using fossil fuels. Our project recognises the need to cut greenhouse gas emissions by supporting the energy transition from fossil fuels to clean renewable energy.
The project generates renewable energy certificates for solar/wind-based power generation. By generating approximately 73 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of energy that can be tracked, our project is helping companies achieve their renewable energy adoption goals.
Impact beyond carbon credits
Climate action
Affordable and clean energy
Decent work and economic growth
![Distribution Of Safe Drinking Water Kits](assets/images/projects/1727182807076-420286632.jpg)
Distribution Of Safe Drinking Water Kits
GS project ID : GS11696
Average annual ERs : 37,000
Total ERs over 5years : 185,000
Carbon dev status : Under Verification
Emission Reduction from Safe Drinking Water
Pre – Project Scenario
- The water in the project area was microbiologically contaminated, > 50% samples tested +ve for E.coli and faecal coliform.
- Boiling water using firewood results in indoor air pollution, leading to respiratory diseases.
- Data suggests that globally contaminated water consumption leads to 505,000 deaths per annum, mostly young children.
- Women and girls in rural India undertake up to six trips per day, carrying 15L of water and travel approximately 5km on a daily basis.
Post – Project Scenario
- Prevented Water-Borne Illness which resulted in reduced morbidity and mortality.
- Reduced use of non-renewable wood for boiling water avoiding GHG emissions.
- Reduced water collection and boiling time, resulting in:
- More time for women to engage in income-generating activities, enhancing overall quality of life
- Also improves school attendance for girls
- Enhanced Biodiversity by reducing incidents during wood collection in forest areas.
- Development of skills and creation of jobs at grass-root level.